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Términos y condiciones
© Tiketblok 2020
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Términos y condiciones
© Tiketblok 2020
Minor Authorization
How can I get minor authorization?
According to regulations, each minor must beaccompanied by their parent, mother, or legal guardian. The strict applicationof this rule may vary between venues, so we recommend that the responsiblepersons for the minor accompany the venue and sign the consent form at theentrance or contact the venue directly. Keep in mind that our entry specifiesthe minimum age to access the event. The final responsibility lies with eachcommunity or individual venue.
When are entries accepted?
The decision on the proposals is made at the end of each blok and, once finished, you will receive an email with the final result of your proposal. You can increase the price at any time while the block is open. It is also important to note that only one proposal per user and device is allowed.
Where are my tickets?
To access your tickets, you must download the TiketBlok app, register and your tickets will automatically appear in the app. Please note that tickets are only distributed through this platform.
How can I see my tickets?
To access your tickets, you must download the TiketBlok app and register using the same details you provided when purchasing. Once registered, your tickets will automatically appear in the app. In addition, from the same application, you can easily transfer the tickets to your companions.
Are returns or exchanges accepted?
Unfortunately Tiketblok does not have the option to return or exchange tickets purchased through our platform, it is something that completely depends on the event. If you have any problems with your tickets, we recommend contacting the event organizer directly for more information on return or exchange policies.
How to transfer my tickets?
You can transfer the remaining tickets to your companions from the TiketBlok app. To do so, swipe the entry to the right and select a contact from your phonebook to send it to.
Can I buy more tickets?
Each user is only allowed to make one purchase (either one or more tickets) per mobile device.
What do I need to see my tickets?
To access your tickets, at the request of some organizers, you may be asked for additional information such as an email, ID validation and more. It is not always mandatory, the application will request this information when necessary.
Why is the QR code grayed out?
If you don't see the QR code at the entrance, don't worry. The organizer can enable the QR code at a certain time, but this does not affect your ticket. If the QR code appears in gray, it means that it is not available yet, but it will be available at the time of the event.
How can I modify my bank details?
To modify your bank details, follow these steps:
1. Open the TicketBlok app
2. Go to the "Profile" section
3. Select "Payment details"
4. Make the necessary changes in the corresponding fields
5. Save the changes.
Keep in mind that the modification of the payment data can only be made from the "Profile" section in the application itself.
Operation of TiketBlok
How does TiketBlok work?
To purchase your tickets, download the TiketBlok app and be sure to adjust the price based on the average price at the time of purchase. During registration, you must validate your phone number through the SMS that you will receive on your mobile. Please note that tickets are only allocated at the end of each block and are only distributed via the TiketBlok app. In addition, each mobile can only receive one ticket, but if you buy more than one, you can easily transfer them to your companions through the application.
What happens if my proposal is not accepted?
If your purchase is not accepted, its amount will be automatically unlocked.
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